
TV Smarts


Some broadcast and cable programs contain material included in the public school curriculum and on standardized examinations. Here are home-viewing tips:

* Today--”Creators of the Future” (KCET 8-9 p.m.) Final episode in the PBS series “Intimate Strangers: Unseen Life on Earth” describes “supermicrobes,” which are so hardy they have survived radiation poisoning caused by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and can possibly be harnessed to fight disease.

* Friday--”Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World” (Toon Disney 7-9 p.m.) Sequel to the popular Disney animated movie about the historical encounter between Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia. The sequel describes a lesser known part of the Pocahontas story: her subsequent experiences in London and her romance with an English diplomat, John Rolfe, in 1616. Recommended reading: “The Double Life of Pocahontas,” a Viking Young Adult paperback by Jean Fritz.


* Saturday--”The New Explorers” (A&E; 9-10 a.m.) Documentary based on recently declassified information about the U.S. Navy’s secret Marine Mammal Facility, where dolphins were trained for minesweeping duties during the Vietnam War. Also, “The Bridges at Toko-Ri” (AMC 3-5 p.m., repeats 9-11 p.m.) Oscar-winning movie about U.S. involvement in the Korean War closely follows the James Michener novel on which it is based. William Holden, Grace Kelly and Frederick March star.

* Sunday--”A Christmas Carol” (TNT 8-10 p.m.) Movie version of Charles Dickens’ classic novel stars Patrick Stewart as Scrooge. Log on for more information. Also, “A Taste of Chanukah” (KCET 11:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m.) The music associated with this weekend’s celebration of the Jewish feast of Chanukah includes klezmer, choir, classical orchestra and chamber music. Theodore Bikel hosts this concert featuring musicians from the New England Conservatory of Music and the Boston Community Gospel Choir.

* Monday--”Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century” (Fox Kids 4-4:30 p.m.) Animated series aimed at 10- to 12-year-olds places characters originated by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in futuristic situations where problems must be solved by deduction rather than by weapons or brawn. An educational guide is available at In this episode, Holmes has to cope with criminal robots guided by Professor Moriarty.

* Tuesday--”Larry King Live” (CNN 6-7 p.m., repeats 9-10 p.m.) This live show focuses on the substance-abuse program at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage. The former first lady and the center’s president, John Schwarzlose, are interviewed.

* Wednesday--”Jackson Pollock” (OVTN 2-2:30 p.m.) Parents with artistically inclined children may want to tape and preview this program about American modern art that shows during school hours. Rated PG because of references to Pollock’s wild lifestyle--and his unorthodox methods of putting paint on canvas that might give children some messy ideas.

Compiled by Richard Kahlenberg in consultation with Crystal J. Gips, dean of the School of Education, College of St. Mary, Albany, N.Y. Columns at
