
Harry Shearer


* The host of “Le Show” on KCRW-FM (89.9) and voice of many characters on “The Simpsons” appears with Fran Lebowitz Saturday at 8 p.m. at Royce Hall at UCLA.

BNO: Friday is a good night for me to go to a party or to a musical performance of some kind--a wonderful rock ‘n’ roll show of some sort. It’s my BNO--Big Night Out. If I’m lucky, someone laid some Lakers tickets on me.

Most Important Meal of the Day: Saturday morning, my wife, Judith, our dog and some friends troop over to Rockenwagner for my favorite breakfast. They have a waffle that I’m so partial to that it’s actually now called Harry’s Favorite Waffle. It’s the only time I’ve managed to get my name on a menu. It’s just a regular waffle, but I think they use sweet potato batter. You put a little melted butter on top and the syrup underneath so it doesn’t get soggy. And I get an order of extra crispy apple smoked bacon.


Work . . . or Play?: Saturday I work on the radio show, but my druthers would be to put on a wetsuit and go boogie-boarding or kayaking with my wife in the Pacific.

A Little Afternoon Music: After I do “Le Show” live, every once in a great while, we go to the Philharmonic. I really like the Sunday afternoon concerts. It’s not the hippest crowd in the world, but from way back in my childhood, Sunday afternoon has the connotation of classical music.

The Great Chicken Experiment: Sunday evening I make a roast chicken. I just decided to go through cookbooks and do every version of roast chicken, so it’s a pseudo-scientific experiment. Then we’ll go hear some jazz. Usually it’s the last night of somebody’s gig in town at the Jazz Bakery or Catalina’s.

Spice Girl (and Guy): Being British, one of my wife’s favorite things is Indian food. If we’re feeling under-spiced, we’ll go to this wonderful place, the Bombay Palace on Wilshire, east of Robertson. It has all these little shrines on the walls as decoration, but you’re really praying to the food.
