
Forgotten Treasures: A Symposium

Wendy Lesser is the author of several books, most recently, "The Amateur: An Independent Life of Letters" (Pantheon). She is the editor of The Threepenny Review

If Arnold Bennett is the most unfairly neglected of 20th century writers, then “Riceyman Steps” is probably his most unduly neglected work. Published in 1923, it describes--no, conveys--in fascinating and pathetic and at the same time humorous detail the life of a London miser, his overly loyal wife and their valiantly practical servant. Perhaps because the miser is a used-book seller, this novel is a favorite with the secondhand book dealers, which is a lucky thing, since they are virtually the only source for it: “Riceyman Steps” has been out of print for most of the last 75 years.
