
Nude Club Restrictions Make Sense

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A Van Nuys neighborhood last week lost its battle to restrict the operations of a nude juice bar, but the war may be far from over. City Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski proposed an ordinance that would more closely regulate nude bars and prohibit dancers from having physical contact with patrons. It deserves a close look by the City Council and its legal team.

Restricting adult businesses can be problematic. Going too far violates the 1st Amendment. But as more and more adult businesses open across the San Fernando Valley and the rest of the city, powerless residents watch in dismay as their neighborhoods are dragged down. The Spearmint Rhino bar approved last week by the Police Permit Review Panel is the second adult club in the neighborhood.

Watching naked women dance is constitutionally protected as free speech. Are lap dances? Doubtful. The time, place and manner of speech can be regulated. Already, nude clubs must be at least 500 feet from residential neighborhoods. Courts have upheld ordinances similar to the one proposed by Miscikowski, which aims to protect neighborhoods without unreasonably burdening proprietors of adult businesses.
