
The Color of Coaches Shouldn’t Be the Story


Bill Plaschke is rooting for Dennis Green to win because he is black [Jan. 10].

If I root for Dan Reeves because he is white, I believe that makes me a racist.

What we need to do is root for coaches who are good, decent, upstanding people who bring out the absolute best in their players. On second thought, I think I will start rooting for all black sportswriters until the Los Angeles Times replaces Mr. Plaschke.


Dana Point


What is the deal with Bill Plaschke? Is he so arrogant and condescending that he labors under the mistaken impression that black people are lost without his guidance? What--besides a hugely overgrown ego--gives a mere sportswriter the right to consider himself qualified as a crusader against injustice?

Sports are about entertainment, but Plaschke’s humorless and pious tirades are about as entertaining as a pulled groin.



San Diego
