
Support for Kathy Long

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* At the Local Agency Formation Commission hearing Feb. 2 about Santa Paula’s appeal to extend its sphere of influence, Supervisor Kathy Long advised the commission to be cautious in making a decision of such long-term importance.

She reminded the commission that previous successful requests to change spheres of influence had come to LAFCO with all details worked out and the full support of the community. She called on LAFCO to refuse to change its earlier ruling on the case.

This is the kind of careful, thoughtful and farsighted work we have come to expect from Long. When it became apparent that the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors was likely to approve the Newhall Ranch project, she made several trips to its hearings to learn for herself and speak for the people of Ventura County, who will be affected negatively by this project.


I have had occasion to see her in action in many public meetings. I have found her open to suggestions and willing to take action for her constituents. She has earned my respect for her hard work and for her concern for all the people she represents.


Santa Paula

* I am supporting Supervisor Kathy Long for reelection. I urge my neighbors in her district to do the same. Here is why:

The expansion of the Toland Road Landfill caused several problems on our nearby family farm. These problems could have been reduced or resolved by compliance with the landfill’s conditional use permit. However, the landfill operator was unresponsive and our county staff was unhelpful.


Long listened to our problems. She spent time and effort researching and understanding the situation. She is leading the Board of Supervisors in its efforts to remedy the problems. She has been instrumental in improving enforcement of the landfill’s permit and in minimizing its negative impacts on the surrounding agriculture. Thanks to her efforts, compliance with the permit is improving.

I have found Long to be accessible. She has been ready and willing to meet with us. I have found her to be genuinely concerned, always listening carefully and asking thoughtful questions. I have found her to be reliable and honest. My experience convinced me to vote for her on March 7.


