
Digesting ‘Wander Year’


I couldn’t help but write about the two letters in the May 28 Travel Section regarding Mike McIntyre’s May 21 posting from Bangkok as part of the Wander Year series (“Chasing Down Big Macs in Bangkok”). The two letters complained vociferously about Mike’s desire to eat American-style junk food while in Thailand and report on that experience.

Having taken a number of very long trips, I’ve found that from time to time, no matter how much I loved the food of the country I was visiting, I would develop a craving for something from home. The little bit of comfort those burgers brought often gave me just the touch of home I was seeking. I could then plunge headlong into my enjoyment of all that country had to offer.

And I think that is exactly what Mike was writing about. Not the burgers. Just about missing home.



Los Angeles

Not everyone who travels abroad chooses or wants to solely eat the local foods. I am not ashamed to admit that I have enjoyed McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, and yes, even Sizzler in Bangkok, Sorry to disappoint some, but I believe eating foods abroad that I am used to at home in no way takes away from my travel experience.

I’ve also noticed there are lots of Japanese tourists who eat at Benihana restaurants in the U.S. Are we supposed to think they are not having a good vacation experience? Do we expect them to solely eat at Denny’s?

Oh yes, when it’s 95 degrees and almost 100% humid in Bangkok, I proudly and unapologetically head straight for the nearest air-conditioned shopping mall.


West Hollywood

I was relieved to see a couple of letters by people offended by the whiny misadventures of McIntyre and Andrea Boyles. I thought maybe I was alone in my disbelief that these two are continually amazed that societies can actually function without BMWs, shopping malls and beachfront homes.

The only things McIntyre and Boyles seem to have been doing on their trip is seek out Westernized comforts and record their complaints. A Bud Light commercial is more informative about the world than these useless articles.

The State Department should issue a travel advisory against these two or better yet, yank their passports before they embarrass this country any further.



Rancho Santa Margarita
