
Bird Is Bound to Lose Battle


Re “New Study Rekindles Gnatcatcher Battle,” (Sept. 26):

Thank goodness for the “destruction” industry’s new, totally unbiased report proving that the California gnatcatcher is not really endangered. Now we can go about our patriotic business of plowing under, paving, building and bulldozing over every remaining square inch of Southern California.

As a famous man, Edward Abbey, once said, “Uncontrolled growth is the mentality of the cancer cell.” If we’re going to continue to be good, hard-working, law abiding cancer cells, we can’t let common sense or some technicality like environmental law stand in the way. Once again progress is being impeded by some kind of pinko tree-huggers.

Come on, there’s money to be made and time’s a wasting. Who needs space, clean air, clean water, wildlife and all those other luxuries?



Dana Point
