
Daylong Seminar to Focus on Genetics


Students and adults interested in biotechnology and medical research are invited to attend a “Genetic Update” conference Oct. 24 at the Ventura County campus of Cal State Northridge.

The daylong event is being hosted by VCBio, a local industry networking group, but will focus on overall advancements in genetics, not what is happening at Ventura County companies.

Sam Rhine, director of the Genetic Ed Center in Fortville, Ind., is scheduled to speak on the Human Genome Project, AIDS and cancer research and cloning.


Rhine, 54, has spent 23 years on the student lecture circuit talking about teenage pregnancy, AIDS, and drug and alcohol abuse, and for the past decade has conducted genetics seminars geared toward science and honors students.

About 230 Ventura County students are already registered to attend the event, being held from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Rhine said he is on the road about a third of the year and keeps up to date on discoveries largely by reading scientific journals. He travels with about 30 such journals at a time, he said.

The cost of the seminar is $15 for adults, $10 for students and teachers. Lunch will be provided. The fee is to be paid at the door, but preregistration is encouraged because space is limited.

To register or for information, call Rhine at (800) 727-2315, or contact him via e-mail at
