
Sphere of Influence


* In an effort to better coordinate with Los Angeles County government and have some say in development occurring directly outside our city boundaries, the city of Santa Clarita is seeking a sphere of influence designation. Just short of annexation, a sphere would provide us with a seat at the table and some say regarding development and infrastructure requirements in specific areas that directly impact our city.

The sphere can only be granted by the Local Agency Formation Commission, which has denied Santa Clarita’s request twice before. We’re hoping that the third time is the charm when the issue comes be fore LAFCO later this year.

A grass-roots sphere support organization has been busy collecting signatures to present to LAFCO. Will this overwhelming support of community and business leaders fall on deaf ears? It is high time to allow the city and county to appropriately address growth issues and to ensure that the Santa Clarita Valley’s quality of life endures.



Santa Clarita Mayor
