
Gun Stores Probed About Transfer Fees

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Agents from the state attorney general’s office seized records from two of California’s biggest retail gun stores Tuesday in an investigation of whether customers are being overcharged for private-party gun transfer services, officials said.

Agents searched two locations of B & B Sales, in Westminster and North Hollywood. In California, when private citizens want to sell guns, they must go to licensed gun dealers who broker the transactions. According to law, the dealer must complete background checks on the two parties, then hold the gun for 10 days.

Nathan Barankin, spokesman for state Attorney General Bill Lockyer’s office, said B & B Sales regularly overcharges customers for handling firearm transfers and keeps guns for too long. The standard transfer fee is $25.


Lawyers for Robert Kahn, who owns B & B Sales, did not return phone calls Tuesday seeking comment.

Barankin said the retailer charged $50, including a “storage” fee for holding guns for 12 days. The retailers’ two locations were “taking advantage of their monopoly on gun transfers,” Barankin said.

Tuesday’s search was prompted by complaints from consumers. Late last year, Lockyer’s Firearms Division fielded complaints that B & B Sales was overcharging customers. Barankin said undercover agents from the division were involved in the investigation and that Kahn was warned that his practices violated the law but that he failed to change them.
