
Forget About Bill Gates; Sue the Oil Companies


On July 2 I was at Bishop, 300 miles from Los Angeles, and paid $1.74.9 per gallon for unleaded regular gasoline. In Westminster a couple days later, the lowest price for the same gasoline was $1.81.9. On July 6 in my sister-in-law’s small town in Northern Alabama, unleaded regular was $1.29.9.

You don’t suppose that our oil companies have entered into a conspiracy to make huge profits in metropolitan areas in the U.S., such as L.A., by keeping prices ridiculously high? What other explanation is there?

Our Justice Department needs to refocus on the real world, leave Bill Gates and Microsoft alone and file suit against oil companies who are gouging the public. Talk about violating antitrust laws!


I can hardly wait until second-quarter profits of the oil companies are announced. I am sure improved efficiencies and other window dressing will be offered as explanation to why they have improved profits sixfold, but in simple terms, our system is broken and our government isn’t willing to fix it.

David M. Walloch

