
There’s Nothing Stuffy About the British Open

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This here is Uncle Bubba down on Trailer Trash Blvd. in Kissin Cousin Flawda. I’m writin to thank ABC for its timely cawveridg of that there Great British Open.

After a night of possum huntin, there ain’t usually nothin to do with those last few hours affore the sun comes up, and let’s face it once you done seen the infawmercials on all three channels 50 or 60 times TV is bawring at 5 in the am. Not this week though, this week good ol’ ABC has Gawf on, with our favrite nouncer, Curtis Strange, or as we like to call him--Cousin Cleetus. Good ol Cousin Cleetus knows how to pernounce all the terms of Gawf includin, Tagguh Wuds, fov-urn, non-urn, and gettin the bawl in the hawl. Why, without Cousin Cleetus it would be nigh impossible to unnerstan them there British boys. So keep up the great wurk on the Gawf, ABC.

D.S. Adam



The 130th Open Championship was ruined for me because of the woeful television coverage supplied by ABC. It was difficult to get into the flow, thanks to the never-ending commercial interruptions. I think the major (pun most definitely intended) networks should bow out and leave coverage to a cable network.


We golf fans tune in to see golf, and not Jim McKay waxing nostalgically from his farm. Congratulations to a most worthy champion, David Duval. Too bad we were unable to see his acceptance speech.

Anthony H. Morris

Los Angeles


If ABC can bring us the British Open live from Lytham St. Annes, eight time zones away, why can’t NBC bring us the Olympics live from Salt Lake City, one time zone away?

Derek Lovett



Anagram of golfer Ian Woosnam’s name: AS I NOW MOAN.

That two-stroke penalty, which Randy Harvey called an “unfortunate footnote” to the British Open, was the difference between finishing in second place or in a six-way tie for third. It cost Woosnam $312,000.


David Macaray

Rowland Heights


Any caddie considered for hire by Curtis Strange, Ian Baker-Finch or Steve Elkington might be quite hesitant to accept such a position. After all, these three “former major champions” all have been extremely vocal in their opinions that Ian Woosnam’s caddie should be fired after last week’s British Open blunder. Certainly, potential bag-toting personnel may have concerns for their job security.

However, they should realize that being employed by Strange, Baker-Finch or Elkington provides one job benefit few professional caddies possess:

Weekends off.

Jerry Hauck

Studio City
