
Davis’ Warnings on State Bridges


Re “Davis Warns of Threat to Bridges,” Nov. 2: In commenting on a “credible threat” to California bridges, Gov. Gray Davis states, “The best preparation is to let the terrorists know we know what you’re up to. We’re ready. It’s not going to succeed.”

Right. All we have to do is emulate Chicken Little for the rest of our lives. It’s absolutely amazing how easily our politicians and the news media are led. Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda must be rolling on the ground with laughter.

Given that our stated goal is to put the terrorists out of business, presumably by capturing them, it would seem that the most realistic chance of realizing that goal would be to say, “Hey, let’s keep quiet about what we know, keep high surveillance over suspected targets, and then arrest the terrorists when they attempt to carry out their acts.”


Oh wait; politicians, media and silence in the national interest in the same sentence? Silly me!

David Dawson

Thousand Oaks


I am outraged that Gov. Davis, in his own words, cited the four bridges as examples, when all he had was a threat general in nature. Although it did get him on Larry King and some national news time, one can only hope it will point out to Californians the wide gap between the leadership of a Giuliani or Bush and this man.

It’s almost as good as the events right after Sept. 11, when President Bush was advising us to get back to normal, New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former President Clinton were flying commercial and Davis was talking about leasing a jet for his own protection.

The real victims here are the people who miss work due to fear and lose income, as well as the state that spends perhaps unnecessary money guarding bridges for photo ops, while discouraging tourists who would otherwise come to our cities and bring much-needed revenue.

It’s embarrassing to be a Democrat today. Way to go, Gray.

Cathie Turner




Your article states: “Thursday was not the first time Davis had grabbed the spotlight with a terrorist-related announcement.”

This is not a statement of fact but an editorial comment, i.e., “grabbed the spotlight.” In case one of the bridges does get hit and Davis hadn’t said anything, these same reporters would have probably written of Davis’ total incompetence for not warning the public.

Doris Koplik

Rancho Palos Verdes
