
The Expected and Unexpected at DMV

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No one ever expects a trip to the DMV to be a pleasurable experience (“Descent Into Mayhem,” by E.D. Maytum, Aug. 26). In fact, I think we all brace ourselves for a certain level of pain and absurdity. What could be more absurd than letting someone take a photo of you after putting you through hell for 90 minutes? Unfortunately, it’s become accepted, and we put up with it because we have to. To be able to sit in hours of traffic legally, we must first stand in hours of lines.

Dena Cerino



I would like to report a different [DMV] experience. In May I made my appointment with the DMV in Culver City. When I arrived, the line for appointments was relatively short. I was amazed and pleasantly surprised to discover that at each window I was greeted in a friendly and efficient manner. I took the written test (no driving test required), and in short order got a passing grade. I want to further report that my photo was almost flattering. All in all, I spent about 20 minutes completing the procedure.

Marjorie Pressman

Via the Internet
