
Tustin Base Dispute Wastes Time and Money


Re “End the Tustin Base Dispute,” Editorial, March 31:

Your editorial made some excellent points. Valuable time and money have been spent and wasted as this dispute drags on. Attorney fees and time spent by the Santa Ana Unified School District personnel on trying to get clean land for schools will be seen as well spent once this situation is settled.

Santa Ana Unified needs the good, clean land on the base. Prevention is better than demolition. The moral and fiduciary responsibility the district board has to its residents and students is to assure to the best of their knowledge that schools and playgrounds are safe.

Tustin has generously given land to other school districts and also the Rancho Santiago and South County community college districts. Yet the city can’t seem to find 100 clean acres for Santa Ana Unified.


There really is a win-win situation here. Tustin can change some of its plans and build its shopping malls on questionable clean land and give Santa Ana Unified clean land for schools.

Enriqueta L. Ramos

Santa Ana
