
Sympathetic Portrait of Hesham Hadayet


What was “Those Who Knew LAX Killer Say Personal Agenda Died With Him,” your July 14 article about Hesham Hadayet? A eulogy to a murderer? Does his “American dream” story vindicate his vicious act? How about memorializing the victims and condemning the perpetrator of an obvious hate crime and terrorist act? That would be the obvious thing to do. In the article, the widow and family of Hadayet are portrayed as the victims. I feel insulted for the families of the real victims, Yaakov Aminov and Victoria Hen.

Alita Z. Arnold

Los Angeles


Your article on Hadayet, the airport murderer, is quite mind-boggling--a sensitive bio on an obvious mass-murderer wannabe, a racist and a wife-beater. Why did the article omit Hadayet’s hatred of the American flag after Sept. 11 and his hostility toward his neighbor who was in the American military? Why did the article not mention Hadayet’s suspected ties to the Egyptian Islamic Jihad?

I can’t wait to see your portrait of journalist Daniel Pearl’s murderers. I am sure it will be a tear-jerker.


Richard Friedman

Los Angeles


Hadayet’s widow has said that “there is nothing to suggest he was a bad person.” I offer the following reason why Hadayet was, in fact, a bad person: He murdered two innocent civilians in a terrorist attack at LAX.

Noah Lang

Los Angeles
