
Coad’s Poor Choices Were Well Publicized


Re “‘Untouchables’ Go by Board,” March 7:

Stan Oftelie says that because of redistricting, Supervisor Cynthia P. Coad was running as an unknown in many areas.

All one has to do is pick up a newspaper or turn on a television on any given day to delve into the many fiascos of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, with a liberal discussion of the tunnel-visioned Coad.

If this is a precursor to the future, maybe Oftelie should start honing the rationalization of Supervisor Chuck Smith.


Jincie Campbell Williams

San Juan Capistrano


Chris Norby unseated the incumbent Coad and spent only a fraction of what she spent on her campaign. Some voters thought he could never win, inasmuch as Coad secured all the “heavyweight” Republican endorsements. It just confirmed that voters were more concerned about the issues Norby presented and less impressed with Coad’s endless list of meaningless endorsements of elected officials who live outside District 4.

Congratulations, Chris. You not only teach history well, you made it on March 5.

Dick and Marilyn Davenport

