
The Rant Is Due

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Please allow me to get three things off my chest.

* To Giant fans and your “Beat L.A.” chant: Because you’ve never won a World Series title [in San Francisco] and probably never will, and because any team can beat another on any given day, it’s good that you know your team’s limits.

* To Angel fans: You would have been better off if baseball had gone on strike. It’s only a matter of time before the Angels find a way to blow this one. Can you spell D-a-v-e H-e-n-d-e-r-s-o-n?

* And to Raider fans: No flying saucer crashed in Roswell, Oswald acted alone, the moon landing was real and there is no conspiracy by the NFL against your team. The New England game was just something that happened. Get over it.


Art Mercado

