
More Dismay Over Fate of Wolves


I read Jim Robbins’ article on wolf “management” with shock, anger and dismay at human hypocrisy (“To Kill and Be Killed,” July 27). What did the so-called experts think would happen when they reintroduced a predator species? The unfortunate wolf already was hunted almost to the point of extinction once before. Now we’ve set them up for failure a second time. This hardly seems fair or humane.

The wolves are simply doing what they need to in order to survive. Various ranchers spoke of the fear that their animals experience when wolves are present. Don’t cows and sheep experience the same terror when they go to the slaughterhouses before we eat them? My point is that Mother Nature placed a predator in the ecosystem for a reason. Humans have come in and introduced species such as cows that wouldn’t normally be there. Maybe we should look inward before we place blame on the wolves and hold them responsible for our actions.

Erica Stone

Joshua Tree
