
Supervisors Finalize Hiring of Ruth as Interim CEO at $17,000 a Month

Times Staff Writer

The Orange County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday formally hired James D. Ruth as interim county executive officer.

Ruth, a former Anaheim city manager, fills a post vacated last month when the board fired Michael Schumacher. Ruth will be paid more than $17,000 a month until the board finds a permanent replacement, which will involve a nationwide search and take four to six months.

Also during the meeting, the board urged the Legislature to reject Gov. Gray Davis’ proposal to decrease the amount of vehicle-license fees given to local government, which would cost Orange County at least $30 million in the next fiscal year.


In addition, the board reviewed the quarterly budget report and approved the county’s 2003 federal and state legislative platform and proposals.

New Supervisor Bill Campbell, a former Assemblyman, said the state platform was overdue, because the deadline for filing legislation was Friday.
