
Nader Gives Democrats Pause


Re “Democrats Richly Deserve Nader,” Commentary, July 22: Let me add one more item to Alexander Cockburn’s list of grievances against the Democratic Party that have spawned the Nader candidacy: Roughly 60% of the American people now want prompt withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. But neither Sen. John Kerry nor President Bush are for this. Both favor staying the course. It is really quite astonishing when a strong majority position is not the position of either major party. This is a clear sign of a sick democracy, and we badly need a remedy.

John V. Walsh

Worcester, Mass.


I deeply resent Cockburn’s assertion that there is no difference between the Democratic and Republican parties.

Here in New Mexico, we replaced Republican Gov. Gary Johnson with Democrat Bill Richardson in 2002. Since then, most state employees, who used to pay 40% of their health insurance premiums, now pay 20%, a savings of approximately $1,400 a year for an employee on a family health insurance plan. State employees also received their first across-the-board raise in four years.


Cockburn alleges that “[President Clinton] put Israel’s lobbyists in charge of Mideast policy,” when the truth is that Clinton convinced Israel to make more concessions than anyone ever thought possible.

Of course, all of Clinton’s hard work was swiftly undone by the malignant neglect of President Bush and the aggressiveness of Ariel Sharon.

Kerry and Bush are like night and day on health insurance, the environment, treatment of veterans, support for public education, fiscal responsibility, Social Security, Medicare, foreign affairs and especially labor issues.

Carter Bundy

Albuquerque, N.M.
