
Pointing Fingers Over King/Drew’s Problems

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Re “Waters at Center Stage in King/Drew Drama,” Nov. 17: Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles) has shown us the worst side of a politician. Out-of-control labor unions and poorly trained staff are of no consequence to her, and neither are the deaths of her constituents who must suffer with the substandard care so graphically documented in the past. Is this perhaps another example of a Democratic politician not comprehending the concept of moral values?

Mike Post



Re “Reaction to King/Drew Plan Loud and Clear,” Nov. 16: Once again the politicians have a superior smile for those who waste their enthusiasm beating a dead horse.

It’s been well known for many years within the healthcare community that a cult of arrogance existed within the Martin Luther King Jr./Drew Medical Center administration. What amazes many is that its slow suicide took this long.


Shane Ryan

Los Angeles
