
More on the Forest Service


Thank you for publishing the disturbing and eye-opening article “A Bear in the Woods” (by Lee Green, Nov. 21). Californians, and most Americans, generally believe that the Forest Service protects our national forests when, in fact, they often do quite the opposite.

As children, the lovable Smokey Bear taught us that only we can prevent forest fires, but no one can prevent them--they are an integral part of a healthy forest ecosystem. Logging does not prevent forest fires; it exacerbates catastrophic fire conditions by opening up the forest canopy, which dries out the forest floor and allows more wind to rush through, which further fans the flames. If logging did prevent forest fires, then the forests in the West would be virtually fireproof by now.

I challenge you, America, to take responsibility for your land by learning about the issues in your local forests and getting involved in the planning process and/or volunteering for your favorite local conservation organization. Don’t wait for someone else to do it. Only you can prevent forest mismanagement; only you.


Valerie Cassity

Programs Director, Sequoia ForestKeeper

