
City Hall Colleagues Say Farewell to Miscikowski

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Times Staff Writer

Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski was given a long, emotional farewell at Los Angeles City Hall on Wednesday at the end of her final council meeting.

Her colleagues were at their most articulate during a 90-minute presentation that included speeches from the City Council, Mayor James K. Hahn and numerous other city officials.

“There are some special people you get to work with that you will always remember all your life, and Cindy Miscikowski, you are going to be one of those for me,” Hahn said. “She has a tremendous intellect but combined with a wonderful personality.”


“I think the word that comes to mind most is ‘unimpeachable’ when I think about you,” Councilman Eric Garcetti said. “When you talk to anyone -- whether they were your opponent or your best friend -- they could not question your integrity.”

The termed-out Miscikowski has been on the 15-member council longer than any of her peers, having been elected in 1997 and reelected in 2001. She first took a job with the city in 1972 as a staff member for then-Councilman Marvin Braude, and except for four years in the mid-1990s, she has worked for Los Angeles ever since.

She is widely credited with being the voice of reason on the council and is known for her expertise in planning. When Hahn’s modernization plan for Los Angeles International Airport was faltering last year, Miscikowski helped fix it and then persuaded her colleagues to approve it.


Miscikowski, who represented District 11 on the Westside, will be replaced by Bill Rosendahl, whose official swearing-in is scheduled for Saturday at Venice Beach.

Miscikowski spoke only for a few minutes Wednesday, focusing little on her career and more on the rewards of public service.

“Public service isn’t just getting elected. Public service is the people who decide to work for the city and are smart and make it happen,” she said. “ ... This city is blessed with an incredible workforce.”
