
Should older motorists get behind the wheel?

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Re “Market Crash Turns Focus to Driver Tests,” Oct. 2

No longer can the people who run AARP be considered to have no ill effects with their policymaking positions. Not to push for mandatory road tests for all licensed drivers based on age is unconscionable. I’ve been an athlete all my life, still playing a good game of softball at 58. But I would never dream of pitching. One misplaced line drive to the head or some other body part and you’re dead, or you’re done for the game or longer. It is the same attitude that must be taken with driving an automobile at an advanced age. We must accept it.


San Marino



As a senior citizen and a driver for 60 years, let me relate to you a few of my observations.

The driver I met driving eastbound on the westbound side of a divided street was a young person. The driver who pulled out in front of me from a parking lot without looking was a young person. The driver of a large SUV that changed lanes three times in one block so he could be first at the red light was a young person. Then there are the cellphone moms who just about run over a child in a crosswalk on the way to pick up theirs.

The older, more experienced drivers were and are better trained and more courteous and respectful of the law.



Manhattan Beach


Instead of turning the focus to driver tests, we need to focus on the real problem that is causing older adults with impairments to drive: They need transportation to get to doctor appointments, the grocery shop or events. It’s time we take a hard look at the lack of transportation for older adults in our communities. Unfortunately, senior transportation systems are lacking in most areas and virtually nonexistent across county lines. The cities of La Verne, San Dimas, Claremont and Pomona have joined to provide low-cost shared transportation for seniors. More communities need to help seniors with transportation.




Community Senior Services

La Verne
