


Joan Didion once called the corner of Sunset and La Brea “the dead center of nothing,” but the Enabler always thought that was harsh. The rosewater ice cream at Mashti Malone’s is appointment-worthy, and we’ve had positive (read: prescription-ointment-free) experiences at adjacent strip club Crazy Girls.

The Woods, a newcomer to the old Lava Lounge space, bridges the post-sorority modernism of WeHo and the dimly lit heavy-petting dens of Hollywood. The Enabler loathes both of these things, but we do have a soft spot for ‘90s emo, like Shudder to Think and Sunny Day Real Estate. So when word spread that Juan Monasterio, bassist for the much-missed post-punk quartet Brainiac, co-hosts a DJ night of suburban nostalgia at the Woods every Sunday, all the Jade Tree 7-inches in the world couldn’t keep us away (we own them all anyway).

The Woods is an unlikely home for such a thing: The monolithic stone bar, sleek upholstery and (relatively) pricey booze scream “hunting for an engagement ring” more than the Promise Ring. But the tunes were a welcome trip back to our college years, when quoting Jawbreaker lyrics was the quickest way into the Enabler’s pants. Even the Woods’ usual frat contingent got the hint and ditched after 11, leaving us to drink our way back to the days when Paramore was just a glimmer in Blake Schwarzenbach’s weepy eye. 1533 N. La Brea Ave., L.A. (323) 876-6612


