
How to get from here to there. A bus with a view? A monorail? Your own two feet?

Denise Fondo is the afternoon-drive traffic reporter for KNX-AM (1070).

Change is at the root of the word “commute.” Thinking ahead and being ready to change will help us live up to our role as commuters.

If you know you have to exit the freeway, don’t stay in the left lane until the last second. This causes accidents. Lookey-loos add thousands of commuter hours to our roadways yearly. Stop gawking at accidents.

Ditch the car one day a week for Metrolink, carpools, buses, subways, bicycles or walking.

Finally, prepare for your commute as you would for an evacuation. Buy a comprehensive street guide and devise four alternate routes, using surface streets if possible. Choose streets other than major thoroughfares, because they’re the first to clog up when the freeway stops moving. You’ll feel less trapped and anxious if you have an exit plan.
