
Texas Tech fires Mike Leach as coach

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Staff And Wire Reports

Texas Tech fired Mike Leach on Wednesday after the coach took the school to court to try to overturn his suspension for alleged mistreatment of an injured player.

“I’m very sad to say there’s only one person to blame for this and it’s Mike Leach,” Texas Tech Chancellor Kent Hance told the Associated Press.

Jerry Turner, vice chairman of the university system’s board of regents, said “other things” came to light during an investigation of Leach’s treatment of receiver Adam James. The sophomore alleged the coach twice confined him to a small, dark place after the player received a diagnosis of a concussion.

Turner declined to elaborate about the other issues.

Leach was in San Antonio with his team, which is preparing for the Alamo Bowl against Michigan State on Saturday.

He left the team’s hotel while his interim replacement, defensive coordinator Ruffin McNeill, was holding a news conference.

Approached by a reporter, Leach said “no comment” before being asked a question. Asked how he thought Texas Tech treated him throughout the last two weeks, Leach responded, “I think that’s apparent.”

Texas Tech’s official statement said Leach’s recent actions made it impossible for him to remain coach of the Red Raiders.

Meyer’s wife called 911

A 911 call made from Urban Meyer’s home contradicts a statement from Florida that the coach checked himself into a Gainesville hospital on Dec. 6, saying later he had chest pains.

The call was placed by Meyer’s wife, Shelley, who told the operator that her husband fell to the floor when he tried to get out of bed that morning. Florida had lost the Southeastern Conference championship game against Alabama the previous day.

On a tape of the call, which was obtained by ESPN, Shelley Meyer says her husband had been taking the sleeping pill Ambien. She can be heard urging her non-responsive husband to wake up.

Urban Meyer, 45, announced Saturday that he would step down as Florida’s coach. The next day, he changed his mind, saying he would coach the Gators in the Sugar Bowl, then take a leave of absence; he said he expected to be on the sidelines next season.

On the call, Shelley Meyer said her husband had never had a heart attack.
