
Ferrell’s ‘Lost’ movie


Patrick Goldstein’s column [“Ferrell Feeling the Effects of a ‘Hangover,’ ” June 9] identified some of the reasons the Will Ferrell comedy “Land of the Lost” may have bombed, among them the film’s lack of focus and Ferrell’s nebulous comic identity. But he overlooks another possibility: After Spielberg’s 1993 “Jurassic Park” redefined special effects, moviegoers will not fork over 10 bucks to see dinosaurs that look like overgrown, rubberized sock puppets.

William D. Wolff



Maybe the reason “Land of the Lost” was such a bomb is because the only thing it had in common with the old TV show was the title. When will Hollywood learn that lewd and crude isn’t always funny?

Mandy Baker



Goldstein seems to think he can divine through his column the meaning of “star” and so throws under the bus various stars like Will Ferrell and Nicole Kidman, but George Clooney? Are you crazy? I know star: Bogart, Nicholson. Clooney is so right there.


Alex Downs

Long Beach
