
Moviegoer is stabbed after complaining about cellphone user

A dispute at a Lancaster movie theater during a screening of “Shutter Island” ended with someone plunging a meat thermometer into the neck of the man who complained about someone sitting near him talking on a cellphone during the show.

The incident occurred two weeks ago at the Cinemark 22 theater, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

The theater was packed for a 9 p.m. Saturday screening of the Martin Scorsese film when the moviegoer complained about a woman near him using a cellphone.


The woman and two men with her left the theater. But sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore said two men returned a few minutes later and stabbed the victim.

“It was a vicious and cowardly attack,” Whitmore said. The victim, who was not identified, was hospitalized with serious wounds.

Two moviegoers who came to the victim’s aid were also hurt during the fight, officials said.


The suspects are still at large. Anyone with information about the attack is asked to call the Lancaster sheriff’s station at (661) 948-8466.

