
Shepard Fairey to DJ at rocker Josh Mintz’s art-music show

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“Hey, that was my idea!” is a complaint that’s so 2012.

“It was my idea to steal that idea!” is more of the moment -- particularly if that moment is next Saturday.

Josh Mintz, lead singer of the band Friend Slash Lover, will host an evening of art and music on June 29 -- called “It Was My Idea to Steal That Idea” -- at the massive, 6,000-square-foot “art lab” Nomad Art Compound.

The event is also a release party for the indie rock band’s new single, “Hellthy,” and one of the DJs is none other than street artist Shepard Fairey, who will be spinning under the name “DJ Diabetic.”


“The whole show is based on these quickie phrases that have layers of meaning,” Mintz told Culture Monster. “That phrase is very L.A. People get influenced by one thing and call it their own. Creating ownership of an idea that isn’t yours -- it happens all the time in advertising.”

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Mintz would know. He’s creative director at Buster, an agency that designs marketing campaigns for TV shows like History Channel’s “Mountain Man.”


Music, however, is where Mintz’s heart lies. Friend Slash Lover’s last EP, “The Grey Area,” was composed of five songs and music videos Mintz shot on his iPhone. Clips from the iPhone series will be projected onto the walls at the event.

The evening’s artworks will purposefully span the spectrum, Mintz says, from his higher-end photographs, graphic prints and full-size mirrors he painted quotes onto, to more affordable postcards and stickers.

PHOTOS: Arts and culture by The Times


“A lot of times when I’d visit a museum, I’d make note of what I liked and then buy postcards at the gift shop,” he says. “At this show, you can get everything from a dollar to like $700.”

Mintz says Fairey spun a mix of funk, disco, punk and rock during a show at his L.A. gallery Subliminal Projects a few months ago.

Fairey’s DJ gig at Mintz’s upcoming event will undoubtedly be a draw. And it was Mintz’s idea to steal that idea from Fairey in the first place.


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