
William Hurt rides off ‘Midnight Rider.’ John Oliver’s big moment.

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After the coffee. Before figuring out what to delete from my DVR.

The Skinny: The Redskins 2014 schedule came out Wednesday. For the next 4-1/2 months, I can look at it and dream of a 14-2 season. Come September, reality will set in. Thursday’s headlines include William Hurt pulling out of the movie “Midnight Rider” and concerns about the FCC’s plans for new net neutrality rules. Also, John Oliver gets ready to launch his new HBO show.

Daily Dose: A memorial for Lucy Hood, the president of the Television Academy who died this month of cancer, will be held Friday at 4 p.m. at Leonard H. Goldenson Theatre at the Academy’s North Hollywood headquarters. Speakers include Bruce Rosenblum, the TV Academy’s chairman and Legendary Entertainment’s TV chief; Jim Ellis, dean of the USC Marshall School of Business; and Hood’s husband Rob Biniaz.


Midnight rider dismounts. William Hurt will no longer play Gregg Allman in the biopic “Midnight Rider,” the movie that suspended production in February after Sarah Jones, a camera assistant was fatally hit by a train during shooting, an event Hurt witnessed. The exit of Hurt raises questions about whether the movie will get finished. The production is under investigation for possible negligence. More on Hurt’s departure from the Los Angeles Times.

ON LOCATION: Where the cameras roll

No neutral opinions. Later this morning, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler is expected to circulate a proposal for new open Internet or so-called net neutrality regulations. An early story from the Wall Street Journal on the proposal said the rules would allow Internet providers to charge companies a fee for access to faster lanes on the Web. This has sparked outrage among media watchdogs who fear it will benefit big and powerful companies, harm smaller companies and limit diversity of expression on the Web. The FCC said speculation that the open Internet rules are being gutted are “flat out wrong.” Additional coverage from the Los Angeles Times.


Fewer drops. Time Warner Cable released its first-quarter results and while it still saw declines in video subscribers, the losses slowed and there was growth in broadband sign-ups. For the quarter, Time Warner Cable, which has agreed to be acquired by Comcast, had net income of $479 million and revenue of $5.58 billion. Details from Bloomberg.

What’s it all mean? Wednesday’s news that HBO was selling reruns to Amazon for its Prime streaming service generated a lot of headlines and may have even hurt Netflix stock. Was there too much hype over what is essentially an old school rerun deal on a new platform? Vulture breaks it all down.

PHOTOS: Behind the scenes of movies and TV


Tough talk. Advertisers sound like they are not eager to shell out more money to advertise on broadcast television. With increased competition from online video and cable, the broadcast networks may be hard-pressed to record increases in ad revenue when they sell commercial inventory for the new fall TV season. Variety on the pressure advertisers will try to exert.

Ready for the spotlight. John Oliver goes from sidekick to center stage with his new HBO show “Last Week Tonight,” which premieres this Sunday. Oliver rose to prominence on Jon Stewart’s “The Daily Show” and when his contract expired, HBO wasted no time in signing him up. The New York Times and USA Today on Oliver’s new gig.

Inside the Los Angeles Times: Mary McNamara on ABC’s new drama “Black Box.” Robert Lloyd on CBS’ sitcom version of the raunchy movie “Bad Teacher.”

Follow me on Twitter. It’s really cool. @JBFlint.
