
Summer Camp Campaign: Shy Alison learns to open up


Cathy was getting mixed signals from her 14-year-old daughter on the way to YMCA Camp Whittle near Big Bear Lake.

“Mom, I’m really excited but really terrified,” Alison said from the back seat of the car.

Seven days in a cabin with a group of strangers can be daunting for any adolescent, especially for someone as shy as Alison.

But lately Alison’s confidence has been growing: Cathy has spotted her singing along to YouTube videos, and she recently started voice lessons. Her new dream is to become a singer like Adele or Katy Perry.


Alison’s half-sister, a counselor, suggested attending camp to her a while ago as a fun, productive way to spend the summer. There aren’t a lot of kids her age in her neighborhood and the summers can get long.

But the camp costs about $500, which is beyond the family’s reach financially. Cathy hasn’t been able to work for the last four years because she suffers from degenerative disk disease, a condition that keeps her in constant pain.

She tries not to let the disease affect her relationship with Alison, but the cost of pain medication and doctor’s appointments adds up. Most of their summer days are spent by the pool at their San Fernando Valley apartment, with an occasional trip to the movies or the mall to break the monotony.

But this year, Alison qualified for a program that covered 90% of the cost.

“It was a blessing, let me tell you,” Cathy said.

Once she got to camp, excitement overcame fear. Alison rode horses, learned archery, rode zip lines, camped under the stars and played games all week. She said she made a lot of friends.

“They were just all really nice. They treated me like their friends from the beginning,” she said.

Normally quiet, Alison chattered nonstop from the moment she was picked up on Sunday night until the middle of the next day, Cathy said.


“She really did have a great time. The goal is to go back next year,” Cathy said.

Through the generosity of Times readers and a match by the McCormick Foundation, nearly $1.3 million was granted to local camp programs this year as a result of the Los Angeles Times Summer Camp Campaign.

The Summer Camp Campaign, part of the Los Angeles Times Family Fund, a McCormick Foundation Fund, raises contributions to support programs that provide thousands of Southern California’s at-risk children ages 7 to 17 with enriching, educational and fun camp experiences.

Donations are tax-deductible as permitted by law and matched at 50 cents on the dollar. Donor information is not traded or published without permission. Donate online at or by calling (800) 518-3975. All gifts will receive a written acknowledgment.
