
What time is Paula Deen’s ‘Today’ interview?

(Carlo Allegri / AP)

You’ve watched Paula Deen’s apology video and searched the Food Network in vain for reruns of “Paula’s Best Dishes.” But you crave more. You know that the celebrity chef with a penchant for fatty foods and unfortunate racial language will be appearing on NBC’s “Today” show on Wednesday morning, but when? There’s only so much Matt and Savannah and Al one person can take.

The good news is that you don’t have to wait through all three hours of “Today” (or even the fourth hour with Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb). NBC has announced that Deen’s interview with Matt Lauer will take place during the 7:30 a.m. programming block and will be available online at after it airs.

RELATED: Paula Deen blames media in second video addressing ‘N-word’ uproar


This is Deen’s second go at the “Today” show. She abruptly canceled her planned appearance Friday, the same day she lost her Food Network contract.

Lauer will no doubt relish the chance to grill Deen on her history with racial epithets and the current damage the chef’s brand is sustaining from lost contracts and fleeing sponsors. Finally, the “Today” anchor is talking to someone who’s been recieving worse headlines that he has in recent months.


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