
For the record - June 2, 2015

McConnell’s ice cream: In the May 30 Saturday section, an article about McConnell’s Fine Ice Creams said that the company didn’t have a retail store until two years ago, when one opened on State Street in Santa Barbara. There was an earlier McConnell’s store in Santa Barbara opened by founder Gordon McConnell at State and Mission streets. That store was sold to Bob and Jean Moss in 1989, when it moved to 201 W. Mission St, and it continues to sell McConnell’s ice cream.

Water for landscaping: An article in the May 30 California section about watering limits for new construction said that buildings larger than 2,500 square feet would have to comply with the new rules. The rules apply to landscape areas larger than 2,500 square feet, not buildings.

Rocky Chavez: In the May 31 California section, an article about GOP Assemblyman Rocky Chavez of Oceanside, who is running for U.S. Senate, stated that he is the Legislature’s sole Latino Republican. In fact, Chavez is one of two; the other is Assemblyman Eric Linder of Corona.


Industry election: An article in the May 31 California section about the City of Industry’s first council election in 17 years said that the city sprawls along the 10 Freeway. It should have said the 60 Freeway.

Concert venues: An article in the May 24 Arts & Books section about summer concert venues said that the duo Wye Oak would be playing at the Masonic Lodge on June 29. They will perform there on July 29.

Hot Property: In the May 31 Business section, a graphic highlighting homes for sale for about $750,000 included a home in Eagle Rock that was incorrectly referred to as a Laurel Canyon residence.


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