
For the record - Oct. 28, 2012

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Zoloft rape case: An article in the Oct. 27 LATExtra section about the death of a former Westminster police detective convicted of kidnapping and rape said that California law considers an alcohol-induced blackout voluntary intoxication, “which does meet the criteria for legal insanity.” The sentence should have said that voluntary intoxication does not meet the criteria.

Sonic sampling: In the Oct. 28 Arts & Books section, an article about the culture of music sampling said that a YouTube user named Hugh Atkin created a video cut-up of Barack Obama “rapping” new rhymes about Mitt Romney by adapting Jay-Z’s “99 Problems.” Atkin’s video was an adaptation of Eminem’s “The Real Slim Shady.”

Kubrick exhibit: On the cover of the Oct. 28 Calendar section, an item directing readers to an article about a Stanley Kubrick exhibition at LACMA gave the wrong page number for that article. It was on D5, not D6. Page D6 contained a different article, about an early Kubrick film.


“Wreck-It Ralph”: In the Oct. 28 Calendar section, two photo captions that accompanied an article about the animated movie “Wreck-It Ralph” misspelled director Rich Moore’s first name as Rick.

Donald Takayama: The obituary of surfboard designer Donald Takayama in the Oct. 25 LATExtra section said that he was survived by his wife and three daughters. He had four daughters.

Catholic saints: An article in Section A on Oct. 21 about the canonization of seven new saints said that Mother Marianne Cope, a member of the Sisters of St. Francis, worked with leprosy patients on the island of Kalaupapa in Hawaii. Kalaupapa is a town on the island of Molokai.

Advertisement foreclosures: An article in the Oct. 26 Business section about real estate website launching a feature that shows whether a property is in foreclosure said that the site initially would provide details on 1.8 million homes in the foreclosure process. The correct number is 1.2 million homes.

Boulder City: In the Oct. 21 Section A, an article about Boulder City, the only major city in Nevada where gambling is banned, implied that the Hoover Dam was completed in 1960. The dam was constructed between 1931 and 1936.
