
For the record - Aug. 16, 2013

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Hiring of social workers: An article in the Aug. 15 LATExtra section about Los Angeles County’s hiring of 150 additional social workers misspelled the name of the executive director of a program that trains advocates for foster children, Dilys Tosteson Garcia, as Dilys Tofteson Garcia.

Ft. Hood shootings: An article in the Aug. 11 Section A about the court-martial of accused Ft. Hood gunman Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan said that the jury includes three colonels and nine lieutenant colonels. The panel actually consists of nine colonels and three lieutenant colonels. The article also said that the jury includes a military lawyer, or staff judge advocate. There is no staff judge advocate on the jury.

Backstage Hollywood: A July 25 Calendar article reported that aspiring screenwriter Robert Rossil said he paid Little Studio Films $7,000 to promote his screenplay. Rossil clarified he paid $7,000 to a co-writer introduced to him by Little Studio Films, and the company received some of that money for making the introduction. The story also said that Little Studio Films’ business license was suspended by the state. The Franchise Tax Board says the corporation was suspended for failure to pay taxes, but the company says it no longer operates as a corporation and does not require a business license, and that it conducts its operations in compliance with all state and local laws.


San Diego mayor parody: An article in the Aug. 15 LATExtra section about a San Diego TV channel’s music video calling for Mayor Bob Filner to resign over sexual harassment claims said that U-T news staffers appeared in the parody. The individuals who danced in the video work for U-T TV, which is the television affiliate of the U-T, a newspaper and website previously known as the San Diego Union-Tribune. U-T Editor Jeff Light said no newsroom staffers were involved.
