
Today: Up Close in Watts. Cyberinsecurity.

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I'm Davan Maharaj, editor of the Los Angeles Times. Go to work with a cop the day he was called to Watts in August 1965; and why Silicon Valley favorite Hillary Clinton might be making social media giants a little uneasy. Here are some story lines I don't want you to miss today.


Up Close in Watts

"Leave the necktie and soft hat but bring your helmet and baton. You're about to witness anarchy." That's one tough call to the office. Want to know what it was like being an L.A. cop as Watts exploded in violence in August 1965? It's hard to beat this concise and riveting op-ed by Joseph Wambaugh, a former LAPD sergeant and author of bestsellers on crime and police.


Hillary Clinton is a favorite of Silicon Valley donors, but she's making them a little nervous. She has hinted that Internet freedom has limits and social media giants should do more to share information and help the government fight terrorism. They have mobilized against requirements being proposed by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, but fending off a President Clinton might be tougher.

A California Citizenship

As the nation debates Trump-ish rhetoric on Mexican immigrant "rapists" and border walls, California hears a different drummer. It started with in-state tuition for people in the country illegally. Then driver's licenses, limits on deportation and state-funded healthcare for kids. Now the word "alien" is being erased from the labor code. The sum of all this is bigger than its parts.

Stormy Legal Climate

At least 15 states are joining the coal and power industries to block President Obama's "clean power" rules before they take effect. They'll try what opponents used against his immigration orders (successfully) and Obamacare (not): argue that he's overstepping his powers. Look for another legal set-to over "glitches" and "drafting errors," this time in the Clean Air Act.

Higher, Faster ... Cheaper?

Mayor Eric Garcetti says L.A. could host the 2024 Summer Olympics for $4.1 billion, less than Boston's withdrawn bid and much less than the $14 billion to $50 billion recent Olympics have cost. It helps that L.A. already has superb sports facilities, but Olympic officials would still insist on a guarantee to cover cost overruns -- a provision that made Boston balk.


-- Bernie Sanders gets a big endorsement and makes a major splash in an L.A. appearance

-- Here's an eye-opening look at how L.A. County jails treat -- and don't treat -- mentally ill inmates. 

-- A man suspected of trying to protect his marijuana crop is arrested in connection with a wildfire north of Napa.

-- Long Beach gang members are indicted on suspicion of stealing Californians' identities to raid their tax returns.

-- Get ready for a heat wave: The L.A. area is expected to be baking by Thursday.


-- St. Louis County, Mo., is put under a state of emergency after gunfire during demonstrations in Ferguson.

-- Hillary Clinton unveils a $350-billion plan to make college more affordable.

-- Two women attack the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul as violence spreads in Turkey.

-- Russia's economy shrinks 4.6%, depressed by low oil prices and Western sanctions.


-- Google shakes things up by creating a new corporate boss called Alphabet.

-- Two years into Obamacare, only one state -- Texas -- has more than 20% uninsured.

-- Target, following a trend, is removing gender-based labels from toy shelves.


-- L.A. hangs in the balance as San Diego, Oakland and St. Louis converge at an NFL owners meeting.

-- Football training camp reports from UCLA and USC.

-- Sports scores.

Passings: Buddy Baker, 74, popular former NASCAR racer and commentator.


-- Frank and Kathie Lee Gifford's life played out on TV long before TV reality shows.

-- Theater review: "Up Here" opens at the La Jolla Playhouse.

-- Soft? Hot? Clean? Seven ways to decode the secret language of beer.


-- Selling off Syria's history: BuzzFeed looks at the lucrative underground trade in artifacts.

-- Her Majesty's kennel: The role of corgis in Queen Elizabeth's reign (Vanity Fair).

-- New Zealand is choosing a new flag. Atlantic's CityLab looks at 40 colorful contenders.


Donald Sterling, the billionaire and former Clippers basketball team owner, is still doing what he perhaps does best: suing people. He filed for divorce from his wife, Shelly, weeks before their 60th anniversary. Now he's suing his former sort-of girlfriend, V. Stiviano, and TMZ over recordings of his racially charged remarks that started all this trouble. 

Please send comments and ideas to Davan Maharaj.
