
Letters: High-tech game of whack-a-mole

Re “Copyright law for the 21st century,” Editorial, March 24

The Times’ editorial rightly points out the significant burden placed on content owners to get unauthorized, online copies of creative works removed from illegal pirate sites.

The current notice-and-takedown system is often compared to a game of whack-a-mole.

The creative and tech communities should work together to come up with a more efficient alternative; it’s in everyone’s interest.

In recent years, the entertainment industry has made dramatic improvements in how it delivers digital content to meet the changing viewing habits of today’s audiences.


But no legitimate business can compete with free, which is why it’s so important that all responsible companies work together to reduce piracy. For this region, where the creative sectors support many wage and salary jobs, finding solutions to reducing piracy is critical.

Michael H. Kelly

Los Angeles

The writer is the executive director, Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy and Jobs.


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