
Letters: Paging the Obamacare IT guys

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Re “Obama promises to fix glitches on health website,” Oct. 22

Did I hear President Obama say he was more frustrated than anyone over the meltdown of the federal government’s website for signing up folks for health insurance? Did he also say they are going to bring in the best and brightest technology minds to fix the glitches?

How nice. I guess the president and others in his administration didn’t think Obamacare was important enough to do that in the first place. Is this a great management team or what?

Maybe the best and the brightest should also be hired to run the White House.

Dion Hannum



I find it curious that a White House budget expert can provide details on the economic damage caused by the two-week partial government shutdown, but no one — including the secretary of Health and Human Services — can say how many people have actually signed up for Obamacare.

Dale Lowdermilk


Santa Barbara

The glitches with signing on to the healthcare exchanges are computer problems that will be worked out. Let’s all take a deep breath. Any new program put forward by our government would have had problems that needed to be tended to.

Obama’s Republican critics are just trying to dump more blame onto the president for anything that goes wrong. They have seen the recent polls showing how voters blame the government shutdown on Republicans.


Enough already.

Ralph S. Brax



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