
Year in review: Editorial cartoonists’ views of 2011

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Wow, slow news year, unless you count war, protest, revolution, famine, floods, droughts, tsunamis, all manner of meltdowns, sexting, tweeting, the GOP, OBL, OWS, DSK at the IMF and OMG! Pat Oliphant’s circular firing squad seems the perfect political metaphor for 2011. Jack Ohman bid Osama bin Laden a not-so-fond farewell. Clay Bennett’s clever pyramid scheme captured what’s at stake in the Arab world. My presidential high-wire act fizzled. Adam Zyglis wondered if what happened there could happen here. Jen Sorenson’s Baby 7 Billion woke up fussy, and Steve Greenberg gave Gov. Moonbeam a makeover. Finally, Rob Rogers’ “Person of the Year” was defaced with a caustic aerosol blast. Rich with irony.

Joel Pett is the Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist for the Lexington Herald-Leader in Kentucky.
