
The mysterious added line on some ‘Yes on 30’ signs


One more thing …

What’s up with these signs?

I know it sounds like something you used to see in “My Weekly Reader,” one of those features asking, “Can you spot the difference in these pictures?”

INTERACTIVE: California election results

Well, can you? The one in the link, and the one here?


The “Yes on 30” signs in the linked photo have three extra words on them: “tax the rich.” Gov. Jerry Brown, who put Proposition 30 on the ballot to help fund schools, was at the Innercity Struggle group’s center in East Los Angeles over the weekend, campaigning for his ballot measure.

But of all the Proposition 30 events I’d seen photographs of, I hadn’t seen any “Yes on 30” signs with that extra line, “tax the rich.”

PHOTOS: California voters head to the polls

Campaign events and messaging are usually so rigidly controlled that I wondered about these signs: Were they printed up and distributed by the yes-on-30 campaign, or by the local organization? It’s a more in-your-face phrase than I suspect the campaign would like to see, and it also doesn’t speak to Proposition 30’s other provision for a four-year, quarter-cent sales tax hike that would affect everyone, not just the $250,000-and-above Californians.


Brown’s final push for 30


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Endorsements: The Times’ recommendations for Nov. 6

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