Letters to the Editor: In the war against Omicron, anti-vaxxers are deserters

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To the editor: The time has come to abandon the term “pandemic.” We are numb to its utterance, and it fails to strike dread into our souls as once it did. I suggest another word: “war.” (“Biden prepares military medics and hospital supplies as Omicron wave hits U.S.,” Dec. 20)
Our country is at war, and we are approaching 1 million killed. During times of war, the country mobilizes its resources, both human and material, to fight. This time, the foe is a microscopic particle that continues to endanger us all.
In the past, Americans have accepted the risk to their lives and well-being to fight the enemy. Young men and women put themselves in harm’s way to protect America. Unfortunately, times have changed.
A significant portion of our society sees no danger to the U.S. from this war. A significant portion of our society declines to take up a weapon (vaccination) out of the unfounded and unsubstantiated fear that it poses a serious risk to them, whereas 80 years ago their grandparents and great-grandparents did not hesitate to do so.
It’s war, folks, and America needs you.
Dr. Bruce Littman, Porter Ranch
To the editor: Politicization of a pandemic is absurd, harmful and ugly. Cultural narcissism seems to have no bounds, especially in the guise of politics.
My view is simple and, at its base, libertarian: Exert all your freedoms to the limit, but not at the expense of harming others.
Anti-vaxxers have the right to be committed to principles that can’t stand the light of reasonable dialogue, but not at the expense of harming others.
Anti-vaxxers become hosts for mutations of this scourge. Anti-vaxxers dilute herd immunity. Anti-vaxxers, when they need hospitalization, cost upward of $30,000 per day of treatment, much of which is covered by insurance or taxpayers.
Why would someone so principled as to hold an unpopular anti-vaxxer position be willing to have others pick up the tab for their care when they become sick? If you are so foolish, or somehow enlightened in ways most of us cannot understand, as to risk being an anti-vaxxer, you should agree to pay for your treatment should you become sick.
Richard A. Nyberg, Newport Beach
To the editor: So this is how the world ends — not with a bang or a whimper, but a sneeze.
Don Powelson, Eagle Rock