Letters to the Editor: L.A. County voters made a big mistake passing Measure A
To the editor: In the print edition, the second part of Erika D. Smith’s column has the jump headline, “Sheriff forgot who holds the power: We do.” Unfortunately, that’s the exact opposite of what actually happened.
By approving Measure A, voters in Los Angeles County have given the five members of the Board of Supervisors the right to nullify a valid election for sheriff.
The nation is still struggling with the lingering effects of Donald Trump’s machinations to hold on to the presidency. We have heard of all sorts of devious, underhanded, illegal plots and plans. A sizable portion of the American electorate still won’t accept Joe Biden as president.
“We the people” should be doing everything in our power to safeguard the concept of free and fair elections. Until recently, it was always an accepted fact that, in an election, there would be a winner and a loser. Most importantly, the loser would accept defeat as the truth.
While Measure A might have sounded benign on its surface, allowing the supervisors to remove an elected sheriff sets a bad example. I’m still very dismayed that The Times Editorial Board endorsed this ballot measure.
Hopefully, my cynicism and pessimism are misplaced. As the campaign for the 2024 presidency has apparently already begun, only time will tell.
Betty Rome, Culver City
To the editor: As lousy as I think Villanueva has been, I’m unconvinced that giving a political group the right to oust an elected official is the way to go. The people voting to oust him, which they appear to have done with Villanueva, is the best way to go.
As Smith herself says, the people hold the power. Voters provide the most direct measure of power and control. If an elected official breaks the law, the judicial system can prosecute.
Turning the voters’ power over to an elected group of individuals with their own axes to grind and looking to win their own next election is only going to muddy the waters.
John Snyder, Newbury Park