Letters to the Editor: Yo-yo water restrictions in Southern California make no sense

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To the editor: I wish I could figure out those Californians. They have been complaining interminably, year after year, about suffering a drought, farmland drying up, dried lake mud cracking, the water table dropping and a growing bathtub ring around Lake Mead. (“Water restrictions lifted for millions in SoCal, but region still urged to conserve,” March 15)
Suddenly, we’re allowed to forget all that because there is too much water. Now, we have floods, landslides and ocean-view mansions dropping into the sea. Then, with the temerity to suggest that yes, we are still in a drought though it may not feel like one, they tell us that maybe people can begin to use a little more water.
The next thing you know, they’ll be claiming that the Colorado River regularly produces 18 million acre feet of water each year for California. How long do we have to put up with those folks taking day trips in a clown car?
Oliver Seely, Lakewood
To the editor: Many people stepped up and conserved water before and during the mandatory restrictions. I can only hope that most continue to do so (The Times’ poll suggests a majority will). But many will return to their old water-wasting ways, if they ever reduced their usage at all.
I’m for keeping the mandatory restrictions so we might avoid what was also reported in another article in The Times: Nevada lawmakers are considering “worst-case limits” on Las Vegas residents.
Maureen Discipulo, Redondo Beach
To the editor: Here we go again. The two-faced MWD lifts reasonable restrictions that led to a 35% drop in water use, only to admit that we still need to regain historic equipoise in our reservoirs and groundwater.
Let’s face it: We Californians must lower the demand on our natural water supply. Regrettably, we citizens are yo-yoed by the MWD and in the bargain, they make more money.
The MWD’s beguiling us with duplicitous policy is unacceptable.
William K. Solberg, Los Angeles
To the editor: Is the climate crisis over too?
The Lake Oroville reservoir is about 75% full. I have to question whether this is sufficient. Just recently I read that it will take several years of wet weather to fill some of our reservoirs. An old Kansas farmer told me, “Only fools and tourists try to predict the weather.”
I suggest we get the names of the people responsible for this decision so we can hold them accountable in dry years.
Gregg Ferry, Carlsbad