Letters to the Editor: It’s Adam Schiff vs. Steve Garvey. Is this the best Senate matchup for California?

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To the editor: This lifelong Democrat is relieved that there likely will not be a contest between Reps. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) and Katie Porter (D-Irvine) for California’s open U.S. Senate in November. In our strongly Democratic state, Schiff will easily defeat the utterly unqualified celebrity Republican Steve Garvey.
Democrats will be able to route the millions of dollars that would otherwise have been spent on a unity-damaging intra-party race toward important GOP-versus-Democrat battles in California and across the country.
It’s a win for California and for democracy.
Marcy Miroff Rothenberg, Porter Ranch
To the editor: I’m surprised about the hand-wringing over Schiff’s ads targeting Garvey instead of his Democratic primary opponents.
Even in the absence of these ads, does any Democrat seriously believe that Republicans would vote for someone other than Garvey?
Garvey, despite his lack of experience and integrity, was always going to be second on the ballot regardless of which Democrat held the top spot.
Valerie Lezin, Los Angeles
To the editor: I have no doubt that Schiff’s endless TV ads about Garvey helped to propel the former Dodgers great into securing a spot on the November ballot. But the congressman ought to proceed with caution.
In 1976, another Republican political newcomer, the septuagenarian semanticist S.I. Hayakawa, won the U.S. Senate race in California.
Can it be done again? I don’t know, but if anybody can do it, it will be Garvey, a baseball hero and all-around good guy.
David Tulanian, Henderson, Nev.
To the editor: Let’s face it — Garvey is the model candidate for today’s Republican Party.
He is 74 years old, has no experience in government or public service, cheated on his wife and didn’t pay his bills. Why should he waste his time running for senator when he is the perfect presidential candidate?
Liz Sherwin, Los Angeles
To the editor: I hope other people feel the same way I do on how Schiff ran his campaign.
I am a lifelong Democrat who will not be voting for him in the fall. Being afraid of running against a fellow Democrat as capable as him was no reason to prop up an unqualified MAGA-loving guy.
Why would I consider someone like that to represent me and the state of California?
Fred Mandel, Encino