
Letters: Not much of a race for supervisor

Former U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is running to succeed outgoing L.A. County Supervisor Gloria Molina.
(Joshua Roberts / Getty Images)
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Re “Speak up, Hilda Solis,” Editorial, April 6

I applaud The Times for its editorial calling on former Labor Secretary Hilda Solis to engage with voters more actively even though she’s running without significant opposition for an open seat on the L.A. County Board of Supervisors.

I am a longtime Democrat who believes that Solis has shown herself to be a dedicated public servant. I’d probably vote for her. My problem is that this is not a true race for the 1st Supervisorial District. It feels more like a coronation.


I have heard Solis speak about her qualifications for the position. She will tell you about her humble roots — a very inspiring story. But it is more important to know where she stands on the critical issues for the district, including transportation, education, the environment, jobs and more. Sadly, an open, robust debate on those issues will not take place because our choice was made months ago by insiders.

In some ways, the process is even more important than the result. I take my vote seriously, and I exercise it at every opportunity. But I reserve it for elections, so I will pass this time around.

Robert Mendez



Solis’ election has been virtually predetermined because of the enormity of each district — nearly 2 million residents apiece — making it impossible for an average citizen to launch a serious bid.

Instead of blaming Solis for this, it would be better for The Times to call for comprehensive county charter reform to expand the size of the Board of Supervisors to something more like the L.A. City Council, which has 15 members. We should have a directly elected county executive and an appointed, rather than elected, sheriff who answers to the supervisors.


To suggest five politicians can adequately manage more than 100,000 employees, represent 10 million people and put together a $25-billion budget is laughable. Until a charter study commission is formed to address the structural deficiencies of county government, nothing will change.

Nicholas J. Antonicello

Venice Beach

The Times creates a controversy where none exists.

Your editorial implying that Solis has not spoken out on issues that are important to county residents borders on ridiculous. This public servant has more than 30 years’ experience serving her constituents at local, state and national levels. She has been a Rio Hondo Community College trustee, state and federal lawmaker and U.S. secretary of Labor.

Furthermore, Solis was confirmed as Labor secretary only after being questioned by a committee of the U.S. Senate, so her positions on critical issues are widely known. She has represented her constituents with honor, integrity, transparency and commitment.

Claude Martinez


Hacienda Heights

It’s often said that women in politics have to work twice as hard as men to be considered half as good.

Here’s a case where The Times expects Solis to, in effect, work twice as hard as any other largely unopposed candidate for county office has been expected to do.

Sandra Wolber

Granada Hills



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