
Readers React: Money shouldn’t stop kids from playing baseball

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To the editor: Once upon a time, boys of all economic and ethnic backgrounds could use public parks in Los Angeles and its environs to play Little League baseball free of charge. Now the city of Los Angeles is selling the use of a baseball field subsidized in part by the Dodgers to well-heeled families who do not live in the neighborhood. (“Donors help east Hollywood youth baseball team regain field access,” Feb. 24)

Good thing that Jackie Robinson, Ozzie Smith and Eddie Murray grew up in the golden era of public parks in Los Angeles County.

Joel Ruben, Redondo Beach



To the editor: Hey, Magic Johnson, can you hear me?

Considering that 3.8 million fans attended Dodgers games and bought overpriced beer and hot dogs at the stadium last season, it would be nice if the Dodgers picked up the tab for the city permit fees for all the children’s leagues participating in the Dodgers Dreamfields program.

Then, those who are savvy enough to work the system will not be the only ones to have access to public facilities.

Milt Rosenberg, Los Angeles


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