
Readers React: Donald Trump is right -- people, not parties, should pick the nominees

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To the editor: Being allowed to choose between candidates preferred by lobbyists and party officials is not the type of “democracy” the American people need right now. This may have been acceptable in earlier times when the issue of money controlling politics was less critical, but nowadays the military-industrial complex and Wall Street are leading us toward perpetual war and the destruction of the middle class. (“Is the GOP primary rigged?,” editorial, April 14)

Republican candidate Donald Trump is perfectly correct that the system is corrupt and Americans need to become outraged by this. The editorial talks about Trump not understanding the rules, but it’s been made quite clear that the Republican Party can make or change rules at virtually any stage in the process (as it did with convention Rule 40B, originally designed to stop Ron Paul in 2012).

It is also clear that our biased media are part of the problem. A free press is valued and needed to protect us against repressive government, but now we have a media attempting to preserve government corruption and attack those who are trying to reform the process.


Richard Keeling, Torrance


To the editor: The political protest of money in politics earlier this week in Washington was a sign of things to come if Trump and Democratic candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) continue to win primaries yet make little headway when it concerns delegates and superdelegates.

The anger and frustration over corruption was on full display during these protests, and these demonstrations will grow louder if the candidates they support keep on winning states while losing out on delegates.


Jeff Swanson, Everett, Wash.


To the editor: Someone who might agree with Trump’s complaint is Al Gore. He received about 540,000 more popular votes than George W. Bush in 2000 and lost the presidency.

Trump is always saying he tells it like it is. Well, he should have known this is the way it is.


Lorraine Knopf, Santa Monica

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